Fighting Fire with Fire

Australia started using Indigenous burning to assist in wildfire reduction, habitat regeneration, and greenhouse gas abatement.
Use of fire in order to control fire
As climate change continues to worsen and infrastructure continues to be damaged by floods and fires, scientists and researchers are discovering traditional ways to combat climate-related disasters.
This is now often found in northern parts of Australia, where natives use their traditional methods to control and preserve the resources of plants and animals. Australia’s native flora and fauna evolved to live with fire, and many species rely on these small, cooler-managed fires to create the right habitat for survival.
European settlement and changes to the traditional Aboriginal way of life, ‘burning the winter,’ were stopped. There are no small, controlled fires in the cool midsummer; now dry grass is used for construction and fuel. this often happens when lightning strikes during late summer and build up during the rainy season. These fires often cause environmental problems, including the release of greenhouse gases, including methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide, into our atmosphere, which contribute to the rise in global temperatures.
Managed correctly, fire can have huge benefits for people and nature, including tackling climate change.
Indigenous burning helps Australians in many different ways, including protecting wildlife, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing carbon sequestration in the landscape, and strengthening Indigenous culture. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) supports the Australian Indigenous.
Australia now earns about $60 million. That dollar also goes to the indigenous community every year. Australia has experienced job growth in the carbon sector. and Australian partners have reported that they have the ability to access and manage their land. In addition, the positive effects of Australian culture have been consistently demonstrated through these projects.
Achievement in carbon Reduction
Since the start of this program, TNC has helped indigenous people reduce emissions equivalent to 8 million tons of carbon dioxide. That’s equivalent to taking about 1.7 million cars off the road.