Why do animals play?

There is no denying that animals can play, but when they do, they can hurt each other or do something bad.
Some experts disagree on what to do when it comes to animals and whether these activities make them happy and useful. but oftentimes there is no denying that the real animals involved in the various activities of the game can lead them or give something more substantial?
Preparing for peril
If yes, you will know their life likes to follow through a lot of hunting, jumping, and biting. They are like a fire that will destroy their brothers as soon as possible. Usually the fighting plays stop before anyone is seriously hurt, but what is its purpose? Some animal researchers contend that this form of play is preparing the kitten for the unexpected later in life.
Honing hunting
but those predatory skills are not purely instinctive. The juvenile kestrels in America have been seen stalking inanimate objects, such as pine cones and twigs, that resemble the prey they’ll be seeking later in life. Dolphins have been seen blowing air rings under water, which they will chase, hold down, or seek out using their sonar abilities.
Practicing for parenthood
rather rudimentary dolls that look like sticks to the rest of us, but the chimps care for them exactly as their mothers would have done. This play changes depending on sex. The females gravitated towards more traditionally-minded ‘female’ toys, such as dolls, while the males preferred things like trucks and balls
Fun for fun’s sakeÂÂ
For every example of a developmental purpose for play, there are numerous others that suggest some animals have fun… just to have fun. Ravens have been observed’snowboarding’ down frozen roofs. Once they reach the bottom, they go back and repeat the process. Crocodiles have been known to give their smaller scaly friends a piggyback ride.
Young elephants have been seen using riverside embankments as makeshift waterslides. Herring gulls routinely drop shells while flying and then catch them again mid-air. As most shellfish don’t possess the ability to be airborne, it seems the gulls and all these other creatures just take part in these activities purely for pleasure. And who can blame them?